Resolvers in Angular

Vignesh Ravichandran
1 min readJul 17, 2020

unleash the power of routing -Part-1

This article will help you when you want to load data at the initialization of a component

For example
I have a data related to a User like the user’s preferred address of delivery that I want to load during a checkout.

For this scenario, I am having the checkout details in a component named checkoutComponent and all the userDetails with a API call which is there in my service class named UserService.ts . When the user routes to the checkout page,the details related to the user has to be preloaded. Inorder to achieve it, We have to create a router resolver that will help us to complete the job.
The Following are the steps to create a Router resolver

Step 1:

Create a Service File named Preload.resolver.ts

export class PreloadResolver implements Resolve<any> {

constructor(private userService: UserService) { }

resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<any>
return this.userService.getUserDetails().first();

The resolve method has to be implemented and the parameters should be given the same. Then the Observable should be the return type.

Step 2:

Then you have to make changes in your Router.module.ts

{ path: ‘Checkout’, component: CheckoutComponent, resolve: {userData: PreloadResolver}},

Step 3:

Then in the module which you have declared your component,Under the providers section add your resolver

providers:[ PreloadResolver]

Step 4:

In your Component, under your construction add the following code in your constructor

private route: ActivatedRoute

Add the following code to your constructor
data => { this.userData= data.userData; });

Now the data will be load on your load..,Happy Routing…!!!

