HttpClient API in Angular

HttpClient is used to handle Http request/response, to and from a backend api. It can be found under angular/common/http
Steps to import and use:
In order to use the Http client, we have to first import the HttpClientModule to our app.module.ts
Then we can create our own services using the Httpclient along with dependency injection of angular
app.service.ts is my file and to do the dependency injection,I have to include Httpclient in my constructor
constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }
point to note:
declaring as private while dependency injection is preferred rather than declaring them as public
after completing the setup, It is time to see how we can use the HttpClient for various operations
Inside our service file we can use get method from our httpClient class like this
this.http.get<users[]>(this.apiUrl + ‘getUserData’)
where apiUrl could be your backend url
We can define the headers, type of return, response type, params to be passed in our GET request itself

A scenario where I wanted to receive data as text but when the syntax didn’t allowed me
responseType: 'text'
throws an error stating that it cannot accept text in place of json
A workaround is to use the following syntax for the response type to be received as text
responseType: 'text' as 'json',
These are the options available to be passed in the Get request and this is how we can use this.
for further drilldown in this topic., please refer to the api page
The Post and Put request with HTTP client are very similar in nature. We have to pass the request body as a parameter in the method call
example:<userdata[]>(this.apiUrl + ‘saveUser’, savedata)
here savadata refers to the data that needs to be saved in the database
The delete is also simple in our httpclient, We can pass either the id that needs to be deleted or an object depending on our API
this.http.delete<void>(this.apiUrl + ‘deleteUser’,userId)
here userId refers to the data that needs to be deleted from the database
points to be noted:
In order to send the requestOptions in the post, put, delete. We can do it in the same way as the Get request. We have to put the options needed as the third parameter
We have to mandatorily subscribe to any http calls we are making. Since these are returning Observables and in order to execute the operation, We have to subscribe them
For more information on this, refer to